An Appeal

Please keep in mind that this is a personal journal; it is not meant to represent the author's definitive, polished, final views about anything. The author included a good deal of raw deliberation for the sake of candidness, even at the risk of offending. He realizes that he is making himself uncomfortably vulnerable to critique, but chose to follow through in order to stimulate inquiry, promote insight, and provoke interest. If you find yourself disagreeing with any of the content, the author asks that you please attribute objectionable statements to the psychogenic effects of malaria medication, jet lag, culture shock, a new diet, too much sun, the Coriolis Effect, Middle School Evangelical Bible Camp, stress, too much schooling, too little schooling, etc.. In sum, he begs your mercy and generosity and asks that you please remember that, well, he didn't have to publish any of this, and it would probably have made his life a lot easier. He hopes that you enjoy the ride, and that you will please email with thoughts.