
palimpsest- a parchment or other writing surface on which the original text has been effaced or partially erased, and then overwritten by another

autochthonous- consisting of or formed from indigenous material

simulacrum- an image or representation (more)

fletcher- a maker of arrows

importunate- inopportune, unseasonable, untimely

excrescence- an outgrowth

supererogatory- superfluous

casuistry- sophistry

mendacity- falsehood

fissiparous- reproducing by fission

numismatics- having to do with currency

salient- prominent

amenable- responsible or answerable; responsive

veracity- honesty

epigraphy- study of inscriptions

pugnacious- quarrelsome

tendentious- characterized by deliberate tendency or aim

pedant- person who puts unnecessary stress on minor points

anachronism- anything that is or seems to be out of its proper time

Teutonism- Germanism

theodicy- a system of natural theology aimed at seeking to vindicate divine justice in allowing evil to exist

credulity- complete lack of doubt; the tendency to believe too readily

execrate- to curse; to detest; to denounce scathingly

sycophant- a person who seeks favor through flattery

fatuous- silly, foolish; illusory, unreal

captious- made for the sake of fault-finding; quick to find fault

esoteric- intended for or understood by only a chosen few

brook- to put up with; to endure

limpid- clear

austral- southern

tocsin- an alarm; an alarm bell

soteriology- the study of the divine accomplishment of the salvation of humanity

chryselephantine- a sculptural medium of gold and ivory (from a Fr. Brown mystery story)

shibboleth- a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important

deliquesce- to become liquid, typically during decomposition.